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Mister B Gone Clive Barker 9780060182984 Books

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Mister B Gone Clive Barker 9780060182984 Books

This book takes the perspective of a two-tailed demon who ends up on earth for awhile. I honestly don't understand why people hate it so much, other than the fact perhaps they don't get the story(or perhaps the humor, some would say Clive Barker is breaking the 4th wall). This was definately not Clive Barkers best but it was an innovative idea, and I do recommend reading it. So yes, it does say "burn this book" and you will learn why later in the book. All in all, I would say this is a good fiction book. Like any new idea, you will see a lot of dislike when things are changed up a bit, but all in all I would read this again. It isn't as bad as some say, but it won't take your breath away either.

Read Mister B Gone Clive Barker 9780060182984 Books

Tags : Mister B. Gone [Clive Barker] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Mister B. Gone marks the long-awaited return of Clive Barker, the great master of the macabre, to the classic horror story. This bone-chilling novel,Clive Barker,Mister B. Gone,HarperCollins,0060182989,Devil;Fiction.,Good and evil;Fiction.,Temptation;Fiction.,Barker, Clive - Prose & Criticism,Devil,FICTION General,FICTION Horror,Fiction,Fiction - Horror,Good and evil,Horror,Horror - General,Horror Fiction,Temptation

Mister B Gone Clive Barker 9780060182984 Books Reviews

Doug Bradley (aka "Pinhead" from the Hellraiser films) should be chained to a microphone and forced to narrate ALL of Clive Barker's books! He does such a great job. His enthusiastic narration elevated this otherwise merely decent story to the level of truly enjoyable. Barker and Bradley manage to make Mr. B. (the character) at once likable and repellent, humorous and frightening. Just when I think Mr. B. is someone with whom I could share an interesting afternoon chat, he goes and does something that makes me think I'd be much better off if our paths never crossed. Although far from being my favorite of Barker's novels, Mister B. Gone is still a good "read," at least in audio book form. Its dark, playful tone reminded me a bit of The Thief of Always, as both books could sort of fall into that "horror novel for children" category. Mister B. Gone, however, is certainly the darker and less-playful of the two. It actually reminded me a bit, too, of Voltaire's Candide. Mr. B. seems to share Candide's naivete about the world, but unlike Candide, Mr. B. doesn't merely suffer the abuses heaped on him. Instead, he gives as bad as he gets, so much so that I began feeling as if Mr. B. deserved everything he got and more. As usual, Barker's writing is first-rate, and although the story ultimately didn't seem to lead anywhere, Bradley's narration made the journey enjoyable. 2.5 stars for Barker. 4 stars for Bradley.
Not perfection and not like the books Clive is best known for. This is a book with a different feel to it. Its Clive's more playful mind working to give you something simple, direct and yet with character complexity with a dash of the fantastic.

People are bombing this book because they are either fans who don't like the departure from Clive's classics. Or they are people who have heard about Clive and reading this book and not getting what they expected.

I paid $5 for a used copy but even $11 for a fresh one is worth the money. Its worth the read if you want something different.
I really enjoyed some snippets and the storyline. In fact, hearing a quote is what brought me to the book. I had a hard time at points becoming engrossed when I left off, but that may be due to prolonged breaks in reading. Overall, a nice, light read.
Book came in condition as stated and within estimated delivery date. Anything by Clive Barker is gonna be good and this book did not disappoint! I love the main character and how well the story is written. It was original and funny and dark and the fact that the character kept breaking the 3rd wall made it more interesting. Couldn't put it down!
One of my favorite childhood stories was called The Monster at the End of the Book, which featured Grover (of Sesame Street fame). When Grover realizes what the title of the book is, he actively tries to discourage the reader from getting to the end, as he doesn't want to meet any monster. If Clive Barker had written this story, it would probably turn out as Mister B. Gone has.

The monster in every page of this book is Jakabok Botch, a demon who has now taken the form of a book. To the reader, he promises danger to body and soul if he or she actually reads the book; it would be far better to burn it immediately. For those who dare to continue, however, Jakabok will provide a memoir of his life and how he got in his present state.

Jakabok starts out as an adolescent demon in the Ninth Circle of Hell. He is a lowly devil who is part of a lowly family, with a father who is abusive and a mother that is generally apathetic. One day, he is captured by some "fishermen" humans who know how to bring demons out of Hell and trap them on the Earth. Escaping his captors, Jakabok is soon wandering the land of medieval Europe with another demon as companion. The two participate in various malicious acts and are eventually drawn to the town of Mainz, where a man named Gutenberg is developing something that will be world-changing.

This short book brings Barker back to his horror roots, but it seems more satire than horror. Jakabok, despite all his evil acts, never seems that threatening, which probably makes him easier to identify with. It is a decent novel that is maybe more clever than great, but it does have enough good moments to be worth the effort. It may not be the best introduction to Barker, but this atypical novel will satisfy most readers.
The story is really good, an easy read. The book itself is rather cheaply made, not something I'd use for a gift. But this story is simple for Clive may have been intended as a child's story, but it's a bit violent for children. The story is a pleasure to read. I can't imagine anyone not enjoying this story. It's pretty short-for Barker, but it's still a great read. You'll like it if you like Clive.
I have been reading Clive Barker for just a short time in the grand scheme of things. I had The Books of Blood 1-6 and enjoyed those but I usually read Piers Anthony, but I have everything he has written. So while I was waiting on a new book from him I had read some John Lundquist(Let Me In, Handling the Undead, ETC) and have liked his books, and thought Clive might be a good one to get into. I now have several books by Clive and so far all are good. This Book was especially good. I really liked the Diary of a Demon thing, and it works well like this.
This book takes the perspective of a two-tailed demon who ends up on earth for awhile. I honestly don't understand why people hate it so much, other than the fact perhaps they don't get the story(or perhaps the humor, some would say Clive Barker is breaking the 4th wall). This was definately not Clive Barkers best but it was an innovative idea, and I do recommend reading it. So yes, it does say "burn this book" and you will learn why later in the book. All in all, I would say this is a good fiction book. Like any new idea, you will see a lot of dislike when things are changed up a bit, but all in all I would read this again. It isn't as bad as some say, but it won't take your breath away either.
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